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Clausura Nicaragua 2004

Clausura Nicaragua 2004

  • Liga Nicaragua
Información Histórica
NB: this year the championship is divided into two stages,
    the Apertura and Clausura; the latter is contested by
    the top-8 of the Apertura

Primera División

Apertura (XX Campeonato Nacional)


 1.Real Estelí FC                      18 15  3  0 51-15 48  Qualified
 2.Diriangén FC (Diriamba)             18 10  5  3 47-22 35  Qualified
 3.Parmalat FC (Managua)               18 10  3  5 34-26 33  Qualified
 4.Real Madriz FC (Somoto)             18  9  4  5 38-19 31  Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 5.Masatepe (San Marcos)               18  9  3  6 26-20 30  Clausura
 6.Deportivo Walter Ferretti (Managua) 18  6  3  9 22-28 21  Clausura
 7.Deportivo Masachapa (S.Rafael/Sur)  18  4  5  9 20-33 17  Clausura
 8.Deportivo Jalapa (Jalapa)           18  4  4 10 23-42 16  Clausura
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 9.Deportivo Bluefields (Bluefields)   18  3  3 12 16-42 12
10.San Marcos FC                       18  2  3 13 20-50  9  Relegated

NB: top-4 qualify for semifinals

Round 1 
[Jul 13]
Estelí          2-1     Masatepe
Diriangén       1-0     Madriz
San Marcos      5-2     Jalapa
Parmalat        2-1     Walter Ferretti
[Sep 10]
Bluefields      2-2     Masachapa

Round 2 [Jul 20]
Madriz          3-3     Estelí
Masachapa       1-0     Diriangén
Jalapa          2-3     Parmalat
Masatepe        1-0     San Marcos
Walter Ferretti 1-0     Bluefields

Round 3 [Jul 27]
Masatepe        1-1     Jalapa
Madriz          2-0     Bluefields
Masachapa       1-4     Parmalat
Walter Ferretti 2-0     San Marcos
Estelí          2-0     Diriangén

Round 4 
[Aug 3]
San Marcos      0-2     Masachapa
Jalapa          1-2     Walter Ferretti 
Diriangén       5-1     Masatepe
Parmalat        1-0     Madriz  
[Sep 17]
Bluefields      0-6     Estelí

Round 5 [Aug 10]
Diriangén       8-1     Bluefields
Estelí          1-0     Parmalat
Madriz          4-0     San Marcos
Masatepe        1-0     Walter Ferretti 
Masachapa       3-1     Jalapa

Round 6 
[Aug 17]  
San Marcos      1-4     Estelí  
Jalapa          0-0     Madriz
Walter Ferretti 1-1     Masachapa
[Sep 14]
Masatepe        1-0     Bluefields
[Sep 17]
Parmalat        4-3     Diriangén       

Round 7 [Aug 24]
Real Estelí     5-0     Jalapa
Parmalat        3-0     Bluefields
Diriangén       4-1     San Marcos      
Masatepe        4-0     Masachapa
Madriz          3-1     Walter Ferretti

Round 8 [Aug 31]
Walter Ferretti 2-2     Real Estelí
Masatepe        3-1     Parmalat
Jalapa          1-4     Diriangén    
Madriz          0-0     Masachapa
San Marcos      1-0     Bluefields

Round 9
[Sep 7]
Madriz          3-1     Masatepe
Bluefields      1-1     Jalapa
[Sep 14]
Parmalat        1-1     San Marcos
Diriangén       2-0     Walter Ferretti
Real Estelí     2-1     Masachapa

Round 10 [Sep 21]
Masatepe        0-2     Estelí   
Madriz          1-1     Diriangén
Jalapa          2-1     San Marcos
Walter Ferretti 0-1     Parmalat
Masachapa       2-1     Bluefields

Round 11 [Sep 28]
Real Estelí     2-1     Madriz
Diriangén       1-1     Masachapa
Parmalat        2-2     Jalapa
Masatepe        3-0     San Marcos
Bluefields      2-1     Walter Ferretti

Round 12 [Oct 5]
Jalapa          2-0     Masatepe   
Bluefields      0-2     Madriz
Parmalat        3-0     Masachapa 
San Marcos      3-3     Walter Ferretti 
Diriangén       2-2     Estelí         

Round 13 [Oct 12]
Estelí          3-1     Bluefields
Parmalat        3-2     Madriz
Walter Ferretti 1-0     Jalapa
Masachapa       2-2     San Marcos
Masatepe        0-0     Diriangén

Round 14 
[Oct 18]
Parmalat        1-3     Estelí       
[Oct 19]
Walter Ferretti 2-1     Masatepe
San Marcos      2-5     Madriz          [5-2?]
Jalapa          3-2     Masachapa       [2-3?]
[Nov 12]
Bluefields      2-2     Diriangén

Round 16 [Nov 2]
Jalapa          1-3     Real Estelí 
Bluefields      2-0     Parmalat
San Marcos      3-6     Diriangén
Masachapa       1-3     Masatepe
Walter Ferretti 2-3     Real Madriz

NB: San Marcos withdrew after this round.

Round 17 [Nov 9]
Real Estelí     4-0     Walter Ferretti 
Parmalat        0-0     Masatepe        
Diriangén       1-0     Jalapa         
Masachapa       0-1     Madriz  
Bluefields      awd     San Marcos      [awarded 3-0]     

Round 18 [Nov 16]
Masatepe        2-1     Madriz     
Jalapa          4-1     Bluefields     
San Marcos      awd     Parmalat        [awarded 0-3]    
Walter Ferretti 0-2     Diriangén      
Masachapa       1-2     Real Estelí  

Round 15 [postponed from Nov 2]
[Nov 22]
Madriz          7-0     Jalapa
[Nov 23]
Bluefields      awd     Masatepe        [in San Marcos; Bluefields dns;
Masachapa       0-3     Walter Ferretti  awarded 0-3]
Diriangén       5-2     Parmalat
Estelí          awd     San Marcos      [awarded 3-0]


 1.Real Estelí FC                      18 15  3  0 51-15 48  Qualified
 2.Diriangén FC (Diriamba)             18 10  5  3 47-22 35  Qualified
 3.Parmalat FC (Managua)               18 10  3  5 34-26 33  Qualified
 4.Real Madriz FC (Somoto)             18  9  4  5 38-19 31  Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 5.Masatepe (San Marcos)               18  9  3  6 26-20 30  Clausura
 6.Deportivo Walter Ferretti (Managua) 18  6  3  9 22-28 21  Clausura
 7.Deportivo Masachapa (S.Rafael/Sur)  18  4  5  9 20-33 17  Clausura
 8.Deportivo Jalapa (Jalapa)           18  4  4 10 23-42 16  Clausura
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 9.Deportivo Bluefields (Bluefields)   18  3  3 12 16-42 12
10.San Marcos FC                       18  2  3 13 20-50  9  Relegated

NB: top-4 qualify for semifinals; San Marcos withdrew after playing
    15 matches and were relegated after having been in the 1st division
    ever since obtaining promotion in 1984; they won the Torneo de Copa
    in 1984 and 1995 and finished 3rd in the league in 2001/02 (best
    ever ranking).

Topscorers (Nov 17):

Emilio Palacios (Diriangén)  17
Selvin Álvarez (Real Estelí) 15


First Legs [Nov 30]
Parmalat        2-0     Diriangén
Madriz          0-0     Estelí        

Second Legs [Dec 7]
Diriangén       4-0     Parmalat
Estelí          1-1     Madriz          [3-1 pen]


First Leg [Dec 14, Estelí]
Estelí          0-0     Diriangén

Second Leg [Dec 21, Diriamba]
Diriangén       0-1     Estelí
  [Selvin Álvarez 44]

Estelí champions Apertura 2003/04

Clausura (XXI Campeonato Nacional)

Qualification Phase

Final Table:

 1.Real Madriz FC (Somoto)              7  6  0  1 17- 8 18
 2.Real Estelí FC                       7  4  3  0 11- 4 15
 3.Diriangén FC (Diriamba)              7  3  2  2 15-11 11
 4.Parmalat FC (Managua)                7  3  1  3 11-13 10
 5.Masatepe (San Marcos)                7  2  3  2  8- 7  9
 6.Deportivo Masachapa (S.Rafael/Sur)   7  1  3  3  9-13  6
 7.Deportivo Jalapa (Jalapa)            7  2  0  5 10-18  6
 8.Deportivo Walter Ferretti (Managua)  7  1  0  6 11-18  3

Round 1 [Jan 11]
Estelí          2-0     Jalapa
Diriangén       2-2     Masachapa
Parmalat        3-1     Walter Ferretti
Madriz          1-0     Masatepe

Round 2 [Jan 18]
Jalapa          2-3     Madriz
Masachapa       1-1     Estelí
Walter Ferretti 2-3     Diriangén
Masatepe        1-1     Parmalat
Round 3
[Jan 22]
Masachapa       0-1     Parmalat
[Jan 25]
Jalapa          0-2     Masatepe
Walter Ferretti 1-3     Real Madriz
[Feb 11]
Estelí          1-1     Diriangén

Round 4
[Feb 1]
Madriz          2-1     Masachapa
Masatepe        4-1     Walter Ferretti
[Feb 4]
Diriangén       6-1     Jalapa
[Feb 5]
Parmalat        1-4     Estelí

Round 5 [Feb 8]
Jalapa          2-1     Walter Ferretti
Masachapa       1-1     Masatepe
Diriangén       0-1     Parmalat
Estelí          1-0     Madriz

Round 6 [Feb 15]
Jalapa          3-1     Parmalat
Walter Ferretti 4-1     Masachapa
Madriz          4-0     Dirangén
Masatepe        0-0     Estelí

Round 7 [Feb 22]
Masachapa       3-2     Jalapa
Parmalat        3-4     Madriz
Diriangén       3-0     Masatepe
Estelí          2-1     Walter Ferretti

Final Table:

 1.Real Madriz FC (Somoto)              7  6  0  1 17- 8 18
 2.Real Estelí FC                       7  4  3  0 11- 4 15
 3.Diriangén FC (Diriamba)              7  3  2  2 15-11 11
 4.Parmalat FC (Managua)                7  3  1  3 11-13 10
 5.Masatepe (San Marcos)                7  2  3  2  8- 7  9
 6.Deportivo Masachapa (S.Rafael/Sur)   7  1  3  3  9-13  6
 7.Deportivo Jalapa (Jalapa)            7  2  0  5 10-18  6
 8.Deportivo Walter Ferretti (Managua)  7  1  0  6 11-18  3


First Legs [Mar 7]
Walter Ferretti 0-0     Madriz    
Jalapa          0-0     Estelí 
Masatepe        0-1     Parmalat  
Masachapa       1-3     Diriangén  

Second Legs [Mar 14]
Madriz          0-1     Walter Ferretti
Parmalat        1-2     Masatepe        [5-4 pen]
Estelí          6-1     Jalapa
Diriangén       8-2     Masachapa


First Legs [Mar 21]
Walter Ferretti 0-6     Estelí
Parmalat        1-3     Diriangén

Second Legs [Mar 28]
Estelí          5-0     Walter Ferretti
Diriangén       0-1     Parmalat


First Leg [Apr 18, Estadio de Diriamba]
Diriangén       0-1     Estelí
  [Selvin Alvarez 28]

Second Leg [Apr 25, Estadio Independencia, Estelí]
Estelí          0-0     Diriangén

Champions: Estelí

Author: Hans Schöggl

Last updated: 23 Jul 2015

(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl and RSSSF 2003/15